Aikatsu Stars 97 and Idoltime Pripara 48 Review

Aikatsu Stars 97

It is quite touching to see the Venus Ark idols having a closure like this, mostly with the change of heart in Elza and Rei for this episode. It is funny to see Elza finally asking to have veggies this episode ha. Personally I think the creation and naming of Neo Venus Ark sounds really weird though.

Finally the yotsuboshi girls can wish the Venus Ark idols a safe bon bon voyage, with Alice rejoining Venus Ark. The most horrible twist of this episode is to let Yuri quit Yotsuboshi and join Venus Ark. I was like “WTHWTHWTH” when I watched the whole scene. This is something literally no one asked for and Bamco has to just surprise us in such mysterious ways.


Idoltime Pripara 48

I see that this is meant to be a nostalgia episode to see most of the old cast being back and though honestly this was just a filler with nothing much happened.

I am surprised to see Jewlie and Janice appearing near the end and I am really happy to see Jewlie come back to help saving her mama.

It is really shaping up to be the all stars grand finale for Pripara, with probably everyone being present. I am expecting to see Ucchari Big Bang too.

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