Aikatsu Stars 81 and Idoltime Pripara 32 Review

Aikatsu Stars 81

I guess this is a drama episode without the drama song. Personally I am not a fan of this episode though. Humor in Aikatsu can be a hit or miss for me in drama episodes. Some of the out-of-character performances from Lily and maybe Rei irk me a bit. I guess it is still fresh to see them acting this way though. There’s a token YumeRola shipping in this episode which I am quite happy with, with Yume claiming Rola as her prize, since they got overshadowed by YumeKoharu in the past few episodes. 

Idoltime Pripara 32

The guydols With finally got their first 3DCG performance, and surprisingly I enjoyed that very much. I still remembered the good ones for guydols in Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live although I can’t be bothered with King of Prism because they are too much for fujoshi bait. Yui and Laala also get a different coord for their coord for a change which was nice. Galala starts getting resistance from the girls though, poor Baku getting chopped by Nino. I can’t see her being effective in shutting their dreams until near the end though.


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