Aikatsu Stars 61 and Idoltime Pripara 11 review

Aikatsu Stars 61

Well, we are now 10+ episodes into Aikatsu Stars S2, it’s safe to say for me that it is doing great right now. The latest episode is just fun.

That Ako mermaid is just sexy. It is an Ako centric episode but it is nice to see all the main 4 characters get to have their part too.

Yume had a nice new variation of Twintails when going out with Ako. Mahiru ended Koharu and Asahi pairing with a karate chop.

Mahiru and Rola had a good time sneaking around and just having fun.

And well nothing much progressed between Ako and Subaru once again, as she keeps on escaping.

Finally the second wave of songs start appearing and we have Happy Punch by Yume and Ako. First performance by Ako in S2 btw.

Honestly this type of songs fits much more than the DCD version of Yume and Elza.

There is also another unnamed duet special appeal with Strawberries.

Ako also starts wearing FuwafuwaDream.

All those Ako faces in this episode are really precious.

Idoltime Pripara 11

The Idoltime Grandprix is supposed to start but Yui and Nino got stuck playing softball.

It’s difficult to believe that the softball match can actually span two episodes.

We have another full cameo of Dressing Pafe with Shion helping Nino in the softball match cryptically and left again.

It’s always nice to see Dressing Pafe being there again.

Finally we also do get to see Solami Smile performing again together with the much expected full trio Making Drama Hello Aozora Smile Sparkling.

Aikatsu Stars 60 and Idoltime Pripara 10 review

Aikatsu Stars 60

It’s an episode we are supposed to know more about Elza but nothing else much is revealed.

We know that she is still ruthless but one small detail would be she secretly hate veggies and just love her steaks.

We also get a one-time character Alice which looks cute enough to be a cute type, but it is likely we would not ever see her again in the future.

I do hope she will appear again though.

As usual, Yume still gets development when the episode is other character centric. I guess it’s a perk of being the MC.

Yume’s ability to make others shine makes Elza believe she will get her wings soon in the future.

Yume is still so damn Kawaii in each of the shots she is appearing.

Idoltime Pripara 10

A bit too lazy to screenshot for Pripara this episode. Finally Nino debuted.

Nino’s Pripara form is pretty normal. Cameo for Dressing Pafe is welcome.

Apparently they are going have the Grand Prix with Yui and Nino only. It’s kinda ridiculous though.



Aikatsu Stars 59 and Idoltime Pripara 9 review

Aikatsu Stars 59


I am so happy watching this episode. Finally this is THE Yume episode. An episode leading discovery to Yume’s motto for her brand Berry Parfait “Make everyone shine”.

Yume Stardom solo is the best performance in Aikatsu Stars S2 for now imo. Premium Star Happiness for you is also great.

Yume still can’t awaken her wings due to “Plot”.

Elza is telling her to up her designer skills for a better PR dress so we will probably get another PR for Yume this season.

I am just making loads of Yume screenshots because I like Yume that much. Yume is so CUTE!!!!

Idoltime Pripara 9 


Some development for the side characters but nothing happened on this filler episode.

Exactly same Brand New Happiness as last episode.

Looks like Nino is going to debut next episode and it looks like Shion is in the next episode preview?


Aikatsu Stars 58 and Idoltime Pripara 8 review

Aikatsu Stars 58


Actually I am just screenshotting for Yume.

Elza is still showing off her superiority to Yume. Yume still has a long way to go if she wants to beat Elza for once.

She is not only just talented, hardworking and also calculating.

I guess that’s the part she is above Ichigo, since Ichigo is almost always spontaneous, and Mizuki is quite similar in a way to Elza.

Guess we’ll see the debut of Berry Parfait next episode. Looking forward to that.

Idoltime Pripara 8


An episode trying to recruit Nino into Pripara, but it just failed.

And the next episode seems to be another filler.

Still hoping to see the other main characters joining Pripara soon. Yui and Lala together every episode are getting a bit stale.

New song Brand New Happiness is great though. The song is just so Pripara and upbeat. Also great making drama.

警視総監 PR Aoi GET!

I have been quite lucky in the recent two months. I got the medley PR gacha for consecutive 2 months (Well it’s considered lucky comparing to previous months which I have 0 PRs)

警視総監 PR Aoi is so damn cool.




After months of hard work, I also finally got Aoi’s fanclub into SS rank. 

It’s my 2nd Idol in SS rank. First being Ichigo. 

I hope Ran gets to SS Rank too, the trio of Soleil should always be together.

SSS Rank needs 750000 so it is really long long time later if ever.

I also did get Rin PR from the medley event.

21 PRs counting. I hope I continue having the same luck next month.

Aikatsu Stars 57 and Idoltime Pripara 7 review

Aikatsu Stars 57

It’s an episode just full of cute reaction faces. Kirara is so cute this episode~

Also, it is kinda confirmed that Tsubasa will pass on Spice Chord to Rola. Congratz for Rola~~.

Let’s wait til the official announcement.

Idoltime Pripara 7

Sophie is back to show off as Kami Idol with new making dramas and new song Red Flash Revolution. 

Lala is just kinda hopeless these days. She should get fired as Kami Idol if she keeps on like this.

Hope she will regain back her true twintails form.

First actual blog post?

I have been thinking on what to write on this site, but well nothing much comes to my mind.

I’ll just post few sentences review of Aikatsu Stars 56.

Nothing much happens this episode, just foreshadowing rivalry of Rei and Mahiru.

Ako also getting into cat mode after being triggered by Kirara.

For Idoltime Pripara 6, Lala randomly had a new Making Drama – Aozora Smile Sparkling.

Arrggh, I miss seeing her twintail form when she is in Pripara. Looking forward to Sophie next episode.

Just had two shitty gacha rolls in Photokatsu yesterday. 4 SR Dupes. Wasted 500 stars for nothing.


I’ll continue playing Nier: Automata. Hope to complete this before I get YS VIII.