Aikatsu Stars 58 and Idoltime Pripara 8 review

Aikatsu Stars 58


Actually I am just screenshotting for Yume.

Elza is still showing off her superiority to Yume. Yume still has a long way to go if she wants to beat Elza for once.

She is not only just talented, hardworking and also calculating.

I guess that’s the part she is above Ichigo, since Ichigo is almost always spontaneous, and Mizuki is quite similar in a way to Elza.

Guess we’ll see the debut of Berry Parfait next episode. Looking forward to that.

Idoltime Pripara 8


An episode trying to recruit Nino into Pripara, but it just failed.

And the next episode seems to be another filler.

Still hoping to see the other main characters joining Pripara soon. Yui and Lala together every episode are getting a bit stale.

New song Brand New Happiness is great though. The song is just so Pripara and upbeat. Also great making drama.

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