Aikatsu Stars 64 and Idoltime Pripara 14 Review

Aikatsu Stars 64

It’s totally an episode about Rei and Mahiru.

Rei being outshined by Elza and just being demotivated from showcasing herself well.

Mahiru is like “Action speaks louder than words”, and proceed for her hard training, and show her best and her SPR wings to inspire Rei.

I love how they presented the final shot of Mahiru shining with the wings.

Elza has really not done her job as a headmistress in Venus Ark. When your idols get demotivated (Rei and previously Alice), she just throws an insult “Disappointed” and did nothing else to help them. In the end, they all had to rely on outsiders to get themselves back up.

With this episode, I am also quite surprised at how they are willing to not spoil stuff in previous episodes previews. There are already quite a few episodes that goes the unpredictable route even with the previews shown. I applaud the anime makers for their effort in this.

Finally, I am happy to see Yozora back being cute towards Mahiru again. She is so much fun.

Idoltime Pripara 14

I did not do any screenshots for Pripara because I am just lazy.

This episode has Gaarumageddon back to the party.

Aroma is basically driving the show forward for the whole episode and is actually becoming the main factor of dragging Michiru into Pripara.

They are definitely adding a lot of fun to the main cast, as compared to Yui and Lala only.

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