Aikatsu Stars 68 and Idoltime Pripara 19 Review

Aikatsu Stars 68

Another filler episode but aww all of them are so cute in this episode.

The episodes are also building up some interesting personality additions for Rei, Kirara and even the Yuri clone. Rei meeeeeeeeing at Kirara and Kirara addicted to handheld idol dress coord games (Is this breaking the fourth wall?) are just so much fun.

Lily / Ako / Yuzu are pulled into this episodes as teachers but to be honest, their teaching/inspiration methods make no sense at all. I am just in for all the cute reactions.

I am just super looking forward to next episode now. Akari is finally BACK!!!! All hail Ozora Akari!!!!!!!


Another bad news for me this week on Photokatsu. I spent 5000 stars trying to roll for Event PR Yume, and failed specularly. All my money went down the drain for this. According to maths calculation, I have 85% chance to get her in 20 rolls (220 photos), but I unfortunately fall into the 15%.

Why does this happen to me whenever I try to roll for Yurika and Yume? I don’t have anymore girls that I am really desperate for except Yurika, Yume and maybe Rola. Hope we get trade shop or medley rewards for these girls

Drop rates for drop event is also quite bad for me now. Scamco must be laughing at me.


Idoltime Pripara 19

I have been wondering if I should stop writing something for Pripara since I don’t have any special thoughts about most episodes for now.

The episodes recently are way too random with no clear plotline.

Finally we also have another performance for Dressing Pafe really randomly and a new Making Drama for them.

Aikatsu Stars 67 and Idoltime Pripara 18 Review

Aikatsu Stars 67

Pool episode, strange hairstyles, Yuzu Wings and a surprise near the end.

I wonder why Elza is surprised about Yuzu getting wings. Yuzu is definitely the strongest out of the Yotsuboshi girls right now. She has the skill and the passion and just makes things right. Getting wings for Yuzu is just a side effect of having fun.

That Sun Dress thing seems to be destined for Yume.

Kirara Ako interaction is so shaa~~~ and meee~~~

And Mahiru is brute forcing again



Idoltime Pripara 18

There’s a new escort system to utilize the guys from DanPri, but I am not really fan of them.

Also Galala appeared and I am curious what part is she playing in Idoltime.


Aikatsu Stars 66 and Idoltime Pripara 17 Review

Aikatsu Stars 66

Kirara and Yume both performed in this episode but quite obviously this is the Yume episode again. As a diehard Yume fan, adorable Yume shots are just everywhere and I’m so Yume satisfied after watching this episode.

Yume was so good in bringing all the kids into her cult and just brainwashed them to not fight against each other. I would be brainwashed myself too ha.

Rola won the Venus Wave but it is kinda expected because she was the only one who did something spectacular (Her Star Wings)


This week I am also posting some Yume-centered self made gifs since I learned how to do this quickly from one helpful someone in one discord server.

Can you resist Yume’s sparkling eyes?

What type of ridiculous ideas Yume had proposed in the past to cause her brand owner so frightened?

Idoltime Pripara 17

Currently I don’t expect much from Pripara. There are just no clear plotlines or something interesting to look forwards to.

Solami Smile / Dressing Pafe / Gaarumageddon had just taken up their roles as mentors for Yui / Nino / MICHIRU. 

The really surprising thing to happen in this episode is that Leona and Dorothy managed to trigger Super Idol Time. I thought that would be just exclusive to the new idols of this season. They got SCR instead of Yume Rare though.

Aikatsu Stars 65 and Idoltime Pripara 16 Review

Aikatsu Stars 65

Quite obviously this is the wings episode for Rola, so we get to see a lot of Rola.

I like her muse philosophy of how being free with her brand Spice Chord. She is more of similar to Mahiru who also has to inherit a brand from someone else. Essentially, others like Yume, Elza, Kirara can just imbue their whole personality into their brand, but Rola and Mahiru can only slowly put their touches on the brand. This is likely not an easy task, as in this case, Rei and others might question them on their decisions on changing the philosophy of the brand itself, like making Spice Chord slightly cuter. Rola convinces people using her conviction “Going my Way” and probably Rola herself as an idol compatible with the changed brand.

I am also curious with how the dress design work between different brands. For Berry Parfait and FuwaFuwa Dream, the idol took care of the design and has the staff helping them to bring the design into reality, but for cases like Rola and Lily, they actually sew up the whole dress themselves. Even though she sew up her dress, doesn’t that need to be gone through an official approval process from the brand staff for it to be an official coord?

Also see how Rola is being overprotective of Yume again. Her stern stare “Don’t touch my YUME!!!!” awwww.  Yume x Rola ship is still rolling strong.

I have been lazy in posting these review posts lately (See how my reviews getting posted later and later).

Idoltime Pripara 16

Nothing really to comment about this episode. End of Mimiko’s attempt to interfere with their Pripara activities and continuation of Lala, Yui together being forceful in persuasion activities.


Idoltime Pripara 15 Review

This week there are no episode for Aikatsu Stars so I has been thinking of skipping for this week because I am kinda lazy.

Apparently there is still a Chinese leaked episode 65 that I have managed to watch.

I enjoy the leaked episode a lot and as I can read Chinese, there is nothing much to look forward for next week instead when the actual episode broadcasts.

I’ll still leave the review for next week though.

Idoltime Pripara 15

Michiru debuts!!! And who knows that we are getting another so so so crazy character for Idoltime again.

Apparently outside Pripara, she is hiragana Michiru (みちる), inside Pripara she is katakana Michiru (ミチル) and takes on the crazy character (Princess/Miko of the whatever Sky Kingdom) that Aroma sets up for her.

She is a cool type but with her character I think she is better off being Celeb type.

The mystery with Falala’s clocktower also deepens.

Now I feel like there are more crazy characters in Pripara with Gaarumageddon and Michiru coming it.

Will the new three form a unit or will there be further twists in the units?



Aikatsu Stars 63 and Idoltime Pripara 13 Review

Aikatsu Stars 63

The Sentai 4 (S4) parody is great and it really is a fun episode.

However, I really feel like the theme of the episode went all wrong.

The activity was supposed to be for Lily to gain strength to endure through the summer instead of going for summer hibernation mode.

But in face of all the crisis, Lily pretty much did nothing and gained help from all the S4 members magically one by one.

She does gain a new power: “Friendship Summoning”, by summoning friends (S4) out of thin air to help her when required.

Idoltime Pripara 13

I am going to just start this with WHY the HECK is Parajuku Pripara getting destroyed by a FUCKING BOMB?

This really undermines the effort of the original cast saving Pripara multiple times from systems disasters/heaven disasters in the original 140 episodes. I just feel so sad for them.

This really gives out enough shock value and only serves a plot point to bring Gaarumageddon back to the forefront of Idoltime Pripara.

Welcome back Gaarumageddon anyways.

Aikatsu Stars 62 and Idoltime Pripara 12 review

Aikatsu Stars 62

This is the episode where Rola goes through some ridiculous trials to get to be the muse for Spice Chord.

Now almost all the main characters get their own brand except poor Ako.

As cool as Rola is, she is always willing to immerse in and enjoy her Taiyaki role which always make me smile.

Idoltime Pripara 12

This episode just reminds me how good is Pripara when Yui starts abusing her MC and friendship power.

I always liked how friendship saves the day and saves the world kind of theme in Pripara.

This also brings an end to first arc as the first grand prix ends, and appearance of Falala and Super Idol Time, which is starting the next arc on probably the actual Idol Time system?

Super Idol Time is definitely a clone of Kami Idol Challenge made better with their better 3D CG. 

Yui really has grown on me since the first episode.

Since this is the end of first arc, I am writing a general impression of the first 12 episodes.

I didn’t really like Idoltime from the start as Yui is being too delusional and Lala lost her twintails, and forced to be pretty much useless.

Idoltime is also reusing the plot thread of headmistress not allowing them to Pripara and which is kinda boring by now. 

Fortunately, this is already resolved by the end of this episode.

Idoltime is also still relying cameos from Solami Smile and Dressing Pafe to prop up this, and I hope they will start to tone this down for the new characters to support the show on their own.

I am still not a fan of Nino by now, but I guess I will grow on her like how I grow on Yui (Like pretty much all idol anime.

Episode 12 really excites me and revitalize my hopes for this. 

Hope Idoltime will continue strongly.



Aikatsu Stars 61 and Idoltime Pripara 11 review

Aikatsu Stars 61

Well, we are now 10+ episodes into Aikatsu Stars S2, it’s safe to say for me that it is doing great right now. The latest episode is just fun.

That Ako mermaid is just sexy. It is an Ako centric episode but it is nice to see all the main 4 characters get to have their part too.

Yume had a nice new variation of Twintails when going out with Ako. Mahiru ended Koharu and Asahi pairing with a karate chop.

Mahiru and Rola had a good time sneaking around and just having fun.

And well nothing much progressed between Ako and Subaru once again, as she keeps on escaping.

Finally the second wave of songs start appearing and we have Happy Punch by Yume and Ako. First performance by Ako in S2 btw.

Honestly this type of songs fits much more than the DCD version of Yume and Elza.

There is also another unnamed duet special appeal with Strawberries.

Ako also starts wearing FuwafuwaDream.

All those Ako faces in this episode are really precious.

Idoltime Pripara 11

The Idoltime Grandprix is supposed to start but Yui and Nino got stuck playing softball.

It’s difficult to believe that the softball match can actually span two episodes.

We have another full cameo of Dressing Pafe with Shion helping Nino in the softball match cryptically and left again.

It’s always nice to see Dressing Pafe being there again.

Finally we also do get to see Solami Smile performing again together with the much expected full trio Making Drama Hello Aozora Smile Sparkling.

Aikatsu Stars 60 and Idoltime Pripara 10 review

Aikatsu Stars 60

It’s an episode we are supposed to know more about Elza but nothing else much is revealed.

We know that she is still ruthless but one small detail would be she secretly hate veggies and just love her steaks.

We also get a one-time character Alice which looks cute enough to be a cute type, but it is likely we would not ever see her again in the future.

I do hope she will appear again though.

As usual, Yume still gets development when the episode is other character centric. I guess it’s a perk of being the MC.

Yume’s ability to make others shine makes Elza believe she will get her wings soon in the future.

Yume is still so damn Kawaii in each of the shots she is appearing.

Idoltime Pripara 10

A bit too lazy to screenshot for Pripara this episode. Finally Nino debuted.

Nino’s Pripara form is pretty normal. Cameo for Dressing Pafe is welcome.

Apparently they are going have the Grand Prix with Yui and Nino only. It’s kinda ridiculous though.



Aikatsu Stars 59 and Idoltime Pripara 9 review

Aikatsu Stars 59


I am so happy watching this episode. Finally this is THE Yume episode. An episode leading discovery to Yume’s motto for her brand Berry Parfait “Make everyone shine”.

Yume Stardom solo is the best performance in Aikatsu Stars S2 for now imo. Premium Star Happiness for you is also great.

Yume still can’t awaken her wings due to “Plot”.

Elza is telling her to up her designer skills for a better PR dress so we will probably get another PR for Yume this season.

I am just making loads of Yume screenshots because I like Yume that much. Yume is so CUTE!!!!

Idoltime Pripara 9 


Some development for the side characters but nothing happened on this filler episode.

Exactly same Brand New Happiness as last episode.

Looks like Nino is going to debut next episode and it looks like Shion is in the next episode preview?